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4 BuSineSS And Economic ReSearch

BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (BER; ISSN 2162-4860) iS an internationally refereed journal, publiShed online by Macrothink InStitute, United StateS. The journal publiSheS reS...

ber.macrothink.org www.macrothink.org/...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

1 BuSineSS And Economic ReSearch: AnnouncementS

BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (BER; ISSN 2162-4860) iS an internationally refereed journal, publiShed online by Macrothink InStitute, United StateS. The journal publiSheS reS...

ber.macrothink.org www.macrothink.org/...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

-1 CommentS On: The Amazon Vet Who IS Bringing Order To Ti...

Digital Content, Digital AdvertiSing, Digital Marketing

digiday.com digiday.com/publish...g-bet-technology/feed/

-1 CommentS On: PR V/S Content Marketing – What Should B...

The world’S leading Source for Marketing Technology newS, reSearch, product compariSonS & expert viewS

www.martechadvisor.com www.martechadvisor....r-focus-for-2015/feed/

-1 CommentS On: Yahoo To Overtake Twitter AS The Third Big...

The world’S leading Source for Marketing Technology newS, reSearch, product compariSonS & expert viewS

www.martechadvisor.com www.martechadvisor....dvertiser-in-u-s/feed/