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0 Welcome To The Blacknificent Tribune

My Official Statement today is that, I speak for No One I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all the Ancient Afrikans of Kemet- the original name that was changed by the greeks to E...

wakeupslaves.tumblr.com wakeupslaves.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Bridge Of Deaths

The Bridge of Deaths is a love story and a mystery. Fictional characters travel through the World of past life regressions and information acquired from psychics as well as Ar...

thebridgeofdeaths.tumblr.com thebridgeofdeaths.tumblr.com/rss

0 Free The Mojave Dolphins ♡

in the middle of the mojave desert lies a tourist trap called “the secret garden” & we are here to expose the secrets. free the mojave dolphins is a grass roots public awa...

mojavedolphins.tumblr.com mojavedolphins.tumblr.com/rss

0 If I Could Fly

“We forget that not everyone has their rights. That there is suffering. That there is pain.That there is people calling for help and we won’t listen for their call. Deaths...

louisismyjoy.tumblr.com louisismyjoy.tumblr.com/rss

-1 (o)(o)

Vash the Stampede (ヴァッシュ・ザ・スタンピード) Vasshu za Sutanpīdo) is the main protagonist of the anime and manga series of Trigun. Vash is also known as The...

ttrigun.tumblr.com ttrigun.tumblr.com/rss