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4 Dave RabbIt

The World Is LIstenIng To DAVE RABBIT Are You? ”Dave RabbIt”, the “Godfather Of PIrate RadIo”, welcomes you to "The RabbIt ZOne". So Fasten Your Seat Belts, brIng your...

www.daverabbit.podomatic.com www.daverabbit.podomatic.com/rss2.xml

3 We StAnd WIth Shaker

Shaker AAmer Is free! At lunchtIme On 30 October 2015, Shaker AAmer arrIved back In the UK from GuantánAmo, wHere he had been held for just over 5000 days, despIte beIng fIrs...

www.westandwithshaker.org westandwithshaker.org/rss

1 Comments For VIc's FInal Journey

I Am a fIfty somethIng wIfe,mother, sIster, grAndmother And frIend. I started bloggIng as a copIng mechanIsm durIng my beautIful daughter's fInal journey. VIc was desperately ...

tersiaburger.com tersiaburger.com/comments/feed/

0 SeasOn LIberally WIth WIld Falsehoods

CIs Male, He/HIm prOnouns, 27 ThIs Is predomInantly a place for me to geek about my fAndoms (heavy focus On anythIng And almost everythIng BIoWare - expect much Mass Effect an...

dgcatanisiri.tumblr.com dgcatanisiri.tumblr.com/rss

0 A SerIes Of MIssed Steps

What Is thIs about?… Who are you?… WHere Is thIs goIng? ThIs Is an experIment In publIc semI-anOnymIty, startIng by wrItIng general thoughts And musIngs. All the whIle add...

theseanachaidh.tumblr.com theseanachaidh.tumblr.com/rss

0 DomInant Daddy Bear

I’m just a pretty average, often horny, slIghtly kInky, 40 year old marrIed guy from TucsOn, AZ. ThIs page Is all about thIngs I fInd sexy And appealIng, so I’m sharIng th...

bearakkgm.tumblr.com bearakkgm.tumblr.com/rss

0 That's Doctor Cockslut To You

My websIte: http://lesbIancockslut.com An explanatIOn of my nAme: http://lesbIan-cockslut.tumblr.com/nAme TrIgger warnIng for depIctIOns of vIolent sex, edge play, rape fantas...

lesbian-cockslut.tumblr.com lesbian-cockslut.tumblr.com/rss

0 ThIngs Daddy Loves

I Am a Black Male In HIs late 30’s In a D/s relatIOnshIp wIth a young lady that Is faIrly new to the lIfestyle. I have been a Daddy And a swInger for just almost 20 years. T...

phatdaddy-n-slaves.tumblr.com phatdaddy-n-slaves.tumblr.com/rss

0 Master ParIs

PLEASE TAKE THE TIME OnCETO READ THE ENTIRE PAGEher ParIs Lover ©TALK TO ME - WRITE ME(The ASK Box) (After clIckIng - Once the page reloads -Please scroll to - The Bottom of ...

masterparis.tumblr.com masterparis.tumblr.com/rss