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Ah screw it...

The semi-coherent musings of a guy in his 30s who spends WAY too much time playing World of Warcraft. But acceptance is the first step, right? new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 10, interval: 30000, width: 250, height: 300, theme: { shell: { background: '#757575', color: '#ffffff' }, tweets: { background: '#ffffff', color: '#000000', links: '#07b6eb' } }, features: { scrollbar: true, loop: false, live: true, behavior: 'all' } }).render().setUser('wabbitt3730').start();



The semi-coherent musings of a guy in his 30s who spends WAY too much time playing World of Warcraft. But acceptance is the first step, right? new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 10, interval: 30000, width: 250, height: 300, theme: { shell: { background: '#757575', color: '#ffffff' }, tweets: { background: '#ffffff', color: '#000000', links: '#07b6eb' } }, features: { scrollbar: true, loop: false, live: true, behavior: 'all' } }).render().setUser('wabbitt3730').start();



The semi-coherent musings of a guy in his 30s who spends WAY too much time playing World of Warcraft. But acceptance is the first step, right? new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 10, interval: 30000, width: 250, height: 300, theme: { shell: { background: '#757575', color: '#ffffff' }, tweets: { background: '#ffffff', color: '#000000', links: '#07b6eb' } }, features: { scrollbar: true, loop: false, live: true, behavior: 'all' } }).render().setUser('wabbitt3730').start();
