I just wanna day I absolutely LOVE Tru Blood I have all 7 seasons on Blu-ray and I still watch them all the time I can’t seem to let go! I’ve watched them all thousands of times but at the en...
Denis always admire noble features reminds of Warrior or baron have talent trained in classics. German,British and French go Denis next role, shall Madonna direct it or Kid Rock Michigan buddies....
Denis best of success what is Jay Z going to say? Since darling mamma is lesbian married lover reacting denial Blacks regarding freedom!
Denis time for block buster films,plays only fraction of your talent.
Omg I miss True Blood please bring this show back with a bang . Make Sookie the queen of vampires
Will there be a season 8 coming out of true blood
WTF? Ya didn't have to kill Bill! Why didn't Sookie load a syringe with Sarah's blood and sneak up on Bill? Eric could have held him still! The entire season 7 was a disappointment. It jumped the...
you should make season 8 I love this show and want more sookie should be with eric now that bill is gone you should reconnect them
we need season 8 .we need to see sookie happy
Hey Jason true blood was my favorite show wish it would come back on
I think it will be great if it was Eric's baby
This is my absolute faveorite show. It always keeps me on my toes. I was very depressed for a moment when Sookie had to kill Bill. I hope you make a season 8. It would be even more worth watching...
Did no one have video of this event?
this comment might be 3 years old but what you said is a straight up lie
I agree with u Suzee
I hated the ending it sucked Brian Buckner is a crappy writer he should of had let sookie hit Bill with her ball n turn Bill n Jessica human
Andy was so funny on trueblood loved him
This is from over 2 years ago. Right on the US Weekly tweet it says August 2012.
I second that statement.
Why do you post such outdated articles as if they were new? "Hidden" was finished almost two years ago. Alexander is now nearly finished filming "Tarzan". This is a recurring thing on this site a...
Tried to watch the show & couldn't get into it at all. Don't think I'll be watching anything on HBO after that finale...
Good Gawd this awful movie just played on Chiller. And after 35 minutes I thought to myself. Hey that guy is the actor who is having an affair with Ray Donovan's wife on Ray Donovan. And I though...
i don't like it it makes her look older and it looks dull and her face cant describe it she looks like shes been sick and just doesn't suit her
Such a worthy cause for the money to pay for filming there. It must have been hard to wait so long! Thank you to everyone there, your church is beautiful and was perfect for the show!
I kinda would have liked for Franklin to have survived long enough to discover that Pam turned Tara and that he had no power over her whatsoever.