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SOCIAL JUSTICE ROGUE{ wear }This is Trilies, “James” to my friends and for sake of ease on the wild realm of the internet. I’m nonbinary and my pronouns are “zie/zir”. My blog is a clusterfuck of anything within my interests. This includes social justice type shit, all of which I do my best to tag.There are also plenty of fandom things (some of which I am not even a part of like JoJo or that which I’ve more or less left like Homestuck). Some of the notables right now are KHR, Kingdom Hearts, and Ava’s Demon. That is liable to change at any moment. I also have tags for things like fashion, nature, food, visualosity, animals, quotes, etc, etc. I have general “media” and “video games” tags.I also have my own art tag under “triart”, but it’s rarely updated due to scanner issues. I do my best to tag literally everything I reblog in some way or another. “James shenanigans” is for friend stuff and casual conversations. “here comes the ruckus” is my argument tag and I don’t tag them with anything else, so you may want to block that if you can. I’ll freely admi that I both have a temper and that there’s still a lot of things I have left to learn. Feel free to correct me on shit.
