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Ein The Corgum

This blog follows the adventures of Ein and her sisfur, Shadowfox! Ein is a female Pembroke Welsh Corgi and her birthday is August 9, 2010. She loves playing fetch, chasing and herding the kitties, cuddling, and napping. Her favorite pasttime is destroying the faces of all her toys and getting stuffing all over the house. Shadowfox joined our family on February 4, 2014. We’re not sure exactly what mix she is, but our best guess is a sheltie/corgi cross. Whatever she is, we don’t care because we love her anyways! She also loves fetch, carrying sticks around the yard, and is slowly learning how to appreciate the destruction of stuffed animals. Sometimes Ginny and Grey Kitty will make an appearance. Ginny is our orange tabby, and is the more outgoing of the two cats. She’ll actually hang out and cuddle with them both. Grey Kitty will very rarely cuddle, and does not enjoy playing with them at all. Lastly, we will always remember and love Winston. He was Ein’s big brother, but passed away suddenly on April 29, 2013. We think about him every day, and miss him always. We love you forever, the most handsome of all the hammiest hams!

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