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Thoughts of a Plus Sized Pinup.

I like tattoos, word searches, freshly dried laundry, puppies, Andy Warhol, aviators, A Day To Remember, bright colors, babies, and loud music. Not necessarily in that order. I have a habit of being accidentally contradicting, and conveniently comedic. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s fine with me. I may come off as mean, I promise I’m not. I just don’t feel the need to lie to people about how I feel or who I am. I’ve done that so much in the past and at one point I lost myself…never again. I’m a simple girl, I like simple things. I dance around in my room with my hairbrush and sing my heart out, I’m about as serious about video games as most guys are about sports, I’m clumsy, I laugh all the time, and I never take myself too seriously. You have to laugh sometime right? No time like the present. I am a work in progress. I don’t claim to be the best person, nor the worst. Regardless, being a part of my life will most definitely be an experience you’ll never forget.
