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dreams of sleep

Dreams of Sleep is now available on Kindle*. US - UK - DE - FR - IT - ES *If you don’t have a Kindle, you’re in luck because you can still read it on your iPhone, iPad, Android device, Mac, or PC.dreams of sleep excerpts Synopsis: Ryder, a young man with a strange obsession with language, has never been able to live with the fact that he’s never known his father. In a desperate attempt at self-discovery, Ryder haphazardly leaves his mother abandoned once again, with nothing left but to agonize over the events that led her here and whether his father was ever right for her at all. Rather than discover himself, Ryder eventually discovers a series of letters between his parents that tell the real story of his fractured family.about dreams of sleep If you’re not sure if you’d like it, reading this blog will be a pretty good indication. If you’re still not sure, try Amazon’s free sample. If you’re still not sure, you should probably stop putting so much thought into such decisions and just take a leap of faith. about me or really about me influences: Nicole Krauss, Jonathan Safran Foer, Yann Martel, and J.D. Salinger, along with everyone I’ve ever loved even if only for a momentask me / tell me what you think 2012 Movies2012 Books


dreams of sleep

Dreams of Sleep is now available on Kindle*. US - UK - DE - FR - IT - ES *If you don’t have a Kindle, you’re in luck because you can still read it on your iPhone, iPad, Android device, Mac, or PC.dreams of sleep excerpts Synopsis: Ryder, a young man with a strange obsession with language, has never been able to live with the fact that he’s never known his father. In a desperate attempt at self-discovery, Ryder haphazardly leaves his mother abandoned once again, with nothing left but to agonize over the events that led her here and whether his father was ever right for her at all. Rather than discover himself, Ryder eventually discovers a series of letters between his parents that tell the real story of his fractured family.about dreams of sleep If you’re not sure if you’d like it, reading this blog will be a pretty good indication. If you’re still not sure, try Amazon’s free sample. If you’re still not sure, you should probably stop putting so much thought into such decisions and just take a leap of faith. about me or really about me influences: Nicole Krauss, Jonathan Safran Foer, Yann Martel, and J.D. Salinger, along with everyone I’ve ever loved even if only for a momentask me / tell me what you think 2012 Movies2012 Books
