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Musings of an Overactive Mind

Warning: This is not a Spoiler free blog. But I tag almost everything so if you have tumblr savior you’ll be fine (blacklist nsfw to avoid the occasional bare beauty) Name’s Gigi. 25. A writer, gay, dreamer, poet, loner, lover, and vagabond who gives her soul to way too many fandoms. We’re talking Warehouse 13, Person of Interest, Castle, Fringe, Orphan Black, Once Upon a Time (Tumblr Version), The 100, Defiance, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Harry Potter…and more. There’s also plenty of gay stuff (aka lesbians and flawless women that I would love to take to dinner *cough* and bed), politics/news, art and other stuff thrown in.

Feed: Related:


Warning: This is not a Spoiler free blog. But I tag almost everything so if you have tumblr savior you’ll be fine (blacklist nsfw to avoid the occasional bare beauty) Name’s Gigi. 25. A writer, gay, dreamer, poet, loner, lover, and vagabond who gives her soul to way too many fandoms. We’re talking Warehouse 13, Person of Interest, Castle, Fringe, Orphan Black, Once Upon a Time (Tumblr Version), The 100, Defiance, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Harry Potter…and more. There’s also plenty of gay stuff (aka lesbians and flawless women that I would love to take to dinner *cough* and bed), politics/news, art and other stuff thrown in.



Warning: This is not a Spoiler free blog. But I tag almost everything so if you have tumblr savior you’ll be fine (blacklist nsfw to avoid the occasional bare beauty) Name’s Gigi. 25. A writer, gay, dreamer, poet, loner, lover, and vagabond who gives her soul to way too many fandoms. We’re talking Warehouse 13, Person of Interest, Castle, Fringe, Orphan Black, Once Upon a Time (Tumblr Version), The 100, Defiance, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Harry Potter…and more. There’s also plenty of gay stuff (aka lesbians and flawless women that I would love to take to dinner *cough* and bed), politics/news, art and other stuff thrown in.
