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Alexandra Nicole Hulme My name in Greek means defender of mankind. I’m on a venture to defend mankind by being as ‘womankind’ as possible. Paintyhands is the art of overflowing & living-outside-the-lines.  My hope is that my words, drawings, photographs and heart inspires that experience in others.  A 'paint your world’ reality.  Paintyhands is my way of exploring my own unfolding and expressing it in the world.   When I was three years old, I was caught paintyhanded coloring all over the white walls at the entry to my families home.  Next thing I knew I was being put into 'time out’ which consisted of me sitting in front of my creations and looking at what I had done.  What a gift!  My mom said I just sat there beaming ear to ear and I stayed long after my 'time out’ was up.  I was so proud of the mess I had made. A few decades later and I’m still that little girl.  I love adding color and inspiration to walls/moments/life.  I live to be immersed in the creative process.  Covering my hands in paint (literally or metaphorically) and creating something makes me feel alive and connected to the expression of my journey.   To me, Paintyhands is a language - a way of life - a stop & smell the roses, build it and they will come, dig for your treasure adventure story!  

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Alexandra Nicole Hulme My name in Greek means defender of mankind. I’m on a venture to defend mankind by being as ‘womankind’ as possible. Paintyhands is the art of overflowing & living-outside-the-lines.  My hope is that my words, drawings, photographs and heart inspires that experience in others.  A 'paint your world’ reality.  Paintyhands is my way of exploring my own unfolding and expressing it in the world.   When I was three years old, I was caught paintyhanded coloring all over the white walls at the entry to my families home.  Next thing I knew I was being put into 'time out’ which consisted of me sitting in front of my creations and looking at what I had done.  What a gift!  My mom said I just sat there beaming ear to ear and I stayed long after my 'time out’ was up.  I was so proud of the mess I had made. A few decades later and I’m still that little girl.  I love adding color and inspiration to walls/moments/life.  I live to be immersed in the creative process.  Covering my hands in paint (literally or metaphorically) and creating something makes me feel alive and connected to the expression of my journey.   To me, Paintyhands is a language - a way of life - a stop & smell the roses, build it and they will come, dig for your treasure adventure story!  
