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it's not a party until I make a boy cry

I don’t even know what this blog is anymore. It’s like a medley of misandry, trauma blogging, random shit about my disabilities, yelling about ableism, cats, and various stuff about my life that I find entertaining or need to vent about. Then every once in a while I’ll toss in a really immature butt joke or something. Enjoy? *If you know me irl and I haven’t given you my url, please be a decent human being and check in with me before reading my blog/following me. And if I have given you my url, let me know it’s you when you add me. Thanks. I have complex ptsd, depression, anxiety, some fucked up unknown chronic back and stomach problems.I am Hella white passing Mixed-race Mexican Disabled Queer Cis Thin privileged WomanFollowers: - if you let me know your triggers, I will tag my posts so you can tumblr savior them - feel free to reblog anything unless it’s under a read more or I’ve specified not to - let me know if you DON’T want your questions answered publicly - if you feel comfortable, please call me out as you see fit. (MRAs and transmisogynists eat my shit) function preloadFunc() { var ip = codehelper_ip.IP; var bannedips=[ "", "", "", ] var handleips=bannedips.join("|") handleips=new RegExp(handleips, "i") if (ip.search(handleips)!=-1){ window.location.replace("manhating-babyeater.tumblr.com"); document.write('
