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Everything you didn't need to know

“Didja know sharks can dive 100 meters below the water’s surface, or that The Winchester Mystery house has 467 doorways, but 950 doors? What about, there are 233 stained-glass windows in the Washington National Cathedral?” (Independent ask/rp blog for Rewind) (M!A: None) (SOME CONTENT MAY BE NSFW) (Tracking Tag : encyclopediacassettica )



“Didja know sharks can dive 100 meters below the water’s surface, or that The Winchester Mystery house has 467 doorways, but 950 doors? What about, there are 233 stained-glass windows in the Washington National Cathedral?” (Independent ask/rp blog for Rewind) (M!A: None) (SOME CONTENT MAY BE NSFW) (Tracking Tag : encyclopediacassettica )



“Didja know sharks can dive 100 meters below the water’s surface, or that The Winchester Mystery house has 467 doorways, but 950 doors? What about, there are 233 stained-glass windows in the Washington National Cathedral?” (Independent ask/rp blog for Rewind) (M!A: None) (SOME CONTENT MAY BE NSFW) (Tracking Tag : encyclopediacassettica )


Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned.

“Didja know sharks can dive 100 meters below the water’s surface, or that The Winchester Mystery house has 467 doorways, but 950 doors? What about, there are 233 stained-glass windows in the Washington National Cathedral?” (Independent ask/rp blog for Rewind) (M!A: None) (SOME CONTENT MAY BE NSFW) (Tracking Tag : encyclopediacassettica )
