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Fandom Clusterfuck Ahead

I really miss Nick Augusto. If you hate:MenWomenTransgender peopleCisgender peopleNon-binary peopleReligious peopleNon religious PeopleWhite People Non White PeoplePurely based on the fact that they are what they are, please don’t follow me because I don’t have time for your bullshit~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shelby. 19 year old chick that likes metal. I’m honestly just a nosy fangirl with no life and I’m prone to exaggeration. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am a very happy, friendly person that is 500% done with people’s shit.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I love pro wrestling, (Well, actually only WWE). My favorite band is Trivium.Fandoms include: Harry Potter, Vlad Tod, HON, and all sorts of stuff. Merlin is my love. Hannibal. ~Atlantis~ Sherlock. Black Sails. ShamelessI love The Musketeers Supernatural, Teen Wolf. And occasional Dr. Who.Tom Hopper and Howard Charles destroyed my life with their cuteness. I’m a Juice Ortiz girl ‘till the end.Currently working my way into the Marvel fandom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’ve been described as overly bubbly. Acceptable nicknames: Shell Bell, Rose, Rosy, Bubbles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am a shipper. And there is no such thing as one OTP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’m all for feminism. Just not Tumblr’s version. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I will not apologize for being white. I will not apologize for being cisgendered. I will not apologize for being straight. Just like I would never expect you to apologize for being who you are.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Also, if I use something you made without credit, let me know and I shall credit it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’d say I don’t bite, but that would be a lie.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forsake Not The Dream.
