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nnaweb.org House Ads

Promote your community newspapers with these customizable house ads. NNA has produced a series of house ads based on our latest market research. House ads from other sources are also presented. NEWSPAPER IN EDUCATION The National Newspaper Association, with the help of the Missouri Press Association, put together this ad so that NNA member papers could promote Newspaper In Education in their pages. Click on the images to download them. ((img|niehouseadcolor-t.jpg)) [http://nnaweb.org/pub/doc/niehousead.pdf]  ((img|niehouseadb-w-t.jpg)) [http://nnaweb.org/pub/doc/niehousead.pdf] SOCIAL NETWORKING Community newspapers are the original social network. NNA put this ad together to help its member papers highlight all the names and faces they show every week in their communities. Click on the images to download them. ((img|socialnetworking-color.jpg)) [http://nnaweb.org/pub/doc/socialnetworking-color.pdf]  ((img|socialnetworking-bw.jpg)) [http://nnaweb.org/pub/doc/socialnetworking-bw.pdf] KANSAS PRESS ASSOCIATION HOUSE ADS These ads may be published by  newspapers to promote readership, the value of newspaper advertising and the importance of public notices in print. Click on the images below to go to the KPA website to download the ads. ((img|ksfarm-t.jpg)) [http://kspress.com/node/659]  ((img|ksfootball-t.jpg)) [http://kspress.com/node/659]  ((img|ksschool-t.jpg)) [http://kspress.com/node/659]  ((img|kswedding-t.jpg)) [http://kspress.com/node/659]

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