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Meadowview RP

You’ve arrived in the town of Meadow View. The landscape is that of rolling hills, babbling creeks, and perfectly spaced trees along each sidewalk lined street. It seems the perfect picture of a small town. You’ve been assigned a two bedroom two bathroom house with all the amenities you could hope for. During your days in Meadow View you want for nothing. There’s only one problem. Your last memory is of dying. Some people in Meadow View have the same story as you. A traumatic event caused their death, and the woke up here. Others seem to think Meadow View is a normal town, and those like you have taken to calling these people NPCs. On your first day you receive a letter on your door. Welcome to Meadow View! We hope you find your new home adequate. If you have any questions or concerns about your lodgings please come to the department of housing at 22 Rosebush St. The building with the stone gargoyles out front. You have been assigned to work at [Location of occupation], and must report to your supervisor at 8 AM tomorrow to receive your work schedule. He is the faceless one holding a clipboard. There is no currency at Meadow View, so as long as you attend work you will be allowed to receive goods and services from any of the shops in town. Those that do not attend enough hours at work will be barred from receiving goods and services. If contributions to Meadow View do not improve offenders will be sent home We hope you enjoy your stay! What has become apparent to you through conversations with locals is that “sent home” means being shot on sight. The NPCs have assured you this is perfectly normal, and although you are death it’s quite painful, (Of course it wouldn’t be a punishment if it weren’t.) thankfully you wake up in your new home unharmed.
