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Dum Vivimus Vivamus

aberration (n.) 1590s, “a wandering, straying,” from Latin aberrationem (nominative aberratio) “a wandering,” noun of action from past participle stem of aberrare “to wander out of the way, lose the way, go astray,” from ab- “away” (see ab-) + errare “to wander” (see err). Meaning “deviation from the normal type” first attested 1846.Multiple system with “fictives”. You’re free to ask about it, but hold up on the vitriol, please. We’re just here to have some fun, maybe makes some friends, and look at pretty pictures.A small list of our main fronters can be found here.We are pro-choice, pro-feminism, trans-friendly, and body-positive. We, generally, identify as polytheist and are friendly towards many different belief systems. This blog is NSFW; we sometimes blog pretty fanart that doesn’t always involve clothing, as well as half-clothed pretty people in general and other things. Icon © xTrish of Flickr.



aberration (n.) 1590s, “a wandering, straying,” from Latin aberrationem (nominative aberratio) “a wandering,” noun of action from past participle stem of aberrare “to wander out of the way, lose the way, go astray,” from ab- “away” (see ab-) + errare “to wander” (see err). Meaning “deviation from the normal type” first attested 1846.Multiple system with “fictives”. You’re free to ask about it, but hold up on the vitriol, please. We’re just here to have some fun, maybe makes some friends, and look at pretty pictures.A small list of our main fronters can be found here.We are pro-choice, pro-feminism, trans-friendly, and body-positive. We, generally, identify as polytheist and are friendly towards many different belief systems. This blog is NSFW; we sometimes blog pretty fanart that doesn’t always involve clothing, as well as half-clothed pretty people in general and other things. Icon © xTrish of Flickr.



aberration (n.) 1590s, “a wandering, straying,” from Latin aberrationem (nominative aberratio) “a wandering,” noun of action from past participle stem of aberrare “to wander out of the way, lose the way, go astray,” from ab- “away” (see ab-) + errare “to wander” (see err). Meaning “deviation from the normal type” first attested 1846.Multiple system with “fictives”. You’re free to ask about it, but hold up on the vitriol, please. We’re just here to have some fun, maybe makes some friends, and look at pretty pictures.A small list of our main fronters can be found here.We are pro-choice, pro-feminism, trans-friendly, and body-positive. We, generally, identify as polytheist and are friendly towards many different belief systems. This blog is NSFW; we sometimes blog pretty fanart that doesn’t always involve clothing, as well as half-clothed pretty people in general and other things. Icon © xTrish of Flickr.
