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Gallery of The Light Millennium - Rundown-MAY 18, 2015: SPORTS FOR HEALTHY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, SUSTAINABILITY & PEACE Program

The Light Millennium organized and proudly presented, in collaboration with, Turkish Women's League of America | The Ataturk School the following program in New York City on May 18, 2018: SPORTS FOR HEALTHY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, SUSTAINABILITY & PEACE An International Reflection and Celebration (UN - April 6 & Republic of Turkey - May 19) This album solely contains of the Rundown - Slides of the aforementioned program with the BIOS of the SPEAKERS along with related "Save the Date" and "Honorary Guest Speaker: Erden Eruc" announcements. (c) Bircan Unver, The Light Millennium, http://www.lightmillennium.org - May 30, 2015

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