Images found in two 1980s books, Naoyuki Katoh SF Illustrations I and II (there's also a volume III), which I occasionally have for sale at 50 Watts Books. Naoyuki Katoh, Voyage of the Space Bea...
(Find me at 50 Watts Books.) Here's a real find (for me at least): an illustration from a 1925 issue of Kodomonotomo. I had never seen work by this person (I think I'd remember!): Kozo Yokoi (18...
A look inside the 50 Watts edition of Tiger Tateishi's incredible A Tiger in the Land of Dreams A Tiger in the Land of Dreams by Tiger Tateishi Translated by Yosuke Kitazawa ISBN 97819576250...
While running the bookstore over the last year, I've been working on four books at the top of my list of dream projects. These books have fascinated (and confused) me for years -- longtime follow...
(Find me at 50 Watts Books.) Nicole Claveloux, c1974, for a French edition of Alice in Wonderland found in Les images libres - Illustrations for Children, 1966-1986 A selection of images foun...
(Find me at 50 Watts Books.) Jan Konupek, from the cycle Dream Land, 1940, found in Edgar Allan Poe and Art in the Czech Land Some images from A Dream Within a Dream: Edgar Allan Poe and Art i...
(Find me at 50 Watts Books.) silk-screen prints from 1975 Posters by Ghobad Shiva (born 1940) found in the book Music Posters from Pre-Revolution Iran, 1960s-70s. The section opens with some q...
(Find me at 50 Watts Books.) Some blown-up details from Imiri Sakabashira's The Fake Kyoto Collection, a Japanese book from 2020. Born in 1964, Imiri Sakabashira is part of the Japanese underg...
(Find me at 50 Watts Books.) How it begins From Tomi Ungerer's final picture book, Nonstop, published by Phaidon in 2020. Find it at 50 Watts Books or on (I'm a regular affiliate...
(Find me at 50 Watts Books.) Details from a book collection of Marina Shirakawa's yokai drawings. Shirakawa (1944-2000) also features prominently in an anthology of mushroom-themed manga from t...