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Jedi Collins

[[Indie RP Blog for OC Jedi Collins. FC: Scarlett Pomers]]All icons and gifs that have a white coffee cup or white paw print watermark on it are made by me. Please don’t steal. Hi, I’m Jedi. Yes, I know that my name is Star Wars related, but it’s fine, you can make jokes about it. Although, I’d like it if you came up with something better than: “use the Force, young Jedi.” Lemme tell you who I am. I’m 21, redhead, female, Scorpio. Orphan since age 1. Nothing really special about me really, I’m just a plain human who happens to believe ghosts are real.[[Mun is 18+ so be prepared for 18+ content. Please read the rules.]]M!A: None {always open for asks} Tracking tag: jedicollins Location/timezone: GMT +1, The Netherlands
