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Welcome to kinfessions!

This blog is centered around the concept of having a unified place for those who identify as pumpkins ;), otherkin, or therians, or are hosts to multiple systems, or are in a multiple system, and so forth to share confessions they feel uncomfortable sharing on their own personal blogs. If you are none of the above please do not submit here. Thank you for your consideration!This isn’t a help blog. Please see this list for help blogs. Notice! Fictionkin and fictives have their own kinfession blog here! Submissions fictionkin/fictive related submissions to this blog, no worries! I’ll just copy/paste it over into the fictionkinfessions ask box. Links for Mobile Users | Note: kinfessions-mod-maude is used by Mod Maude to message folks without revealing their main account, and is legitimately linked to kinfessions and fictionkinfesions. No worries :)
