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Stranger in Paradise

People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute. - Daria my (mostly Glee related) fanfic writing (great and small) I am a multimedia nerd, but “Glee” brought me to tumblr, so for better or for worse consider me a Glee-friendly-blog. You’ll also get feels about Grey’s Anatomy, Doctor Who (Donna and Ace ftw), OUaT (well, I love Red and Mulan, so…), Elementary, Sleepy Hollow, Walking Dead, Teen Wolf, American Horror Story, HIMYM… just a whole bunch of shows. With all time love for Buffy, Xena and also Star Trek. Plus everything Harry Potter of course. And if you don’t like comic books you’re missing out (X-Men are my family, don’t mess with them). Very important: Don’t judge and ship all the ships!Really, this is a massive multishipper blog. And btw you may call me Kat. If you like horror movies, you can find me in my little hide-out thenoisethatkeepsmeawake. DVD collection last.fm librarything Steam

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