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Beyond the moon

I am. Many many things. Currently, best described as “Where is my mind?” Also, “I do what I want, milk!” *** Back in São Paulo, Brazil, the big city that might swallow you whole if you don’t watch out. Elementary school educator, sometimes worried, forever curious about life. I like to look at things as if for the first time. Or maybe the last. I don’t really know, but I do love so much sometimes, it’s hard to explain… (feel free to drop by and say hi, that would really make my day!)

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I am. Many many things. Currently, best described as “Where is my mind?” Also, “I do what I want, milk!” *** Back in São Paulo, Brazil, the big city that might swallow you whole if you don’t watch out. Elementary school educator, sometimes worried, forever curious about life. I like to look at things as if for the first time. Or maybe the last. I don’t really know, but I do love so much sometimes, it’s hard to explain… (feel free to drop by and say hi, that would really make my day!)



I am. Many many things. Currently, best described as “Where is my mind?” Also, “I do what I want, milk!” *** Back in São Paulo, Brazil, the big city that might swallow you whole if you don’t watch out. Elementary school educator, sometimes worried, forever curious about life. I like to look at things as if for the first time. Or maybe the last. I don’t really know, but I do love so much sometimes, it’s hard to explain… (feel free to drop by and say hi, that would really make my day!)
