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Writing and Rambling

My queue is padded with Firefly, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Disney movies, the Hunger Games and MCU movies, Orphan Black, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Orange is the New Black, Doctor Who, Friends, Queer as Folk (US), Power Rangers, Downton Abbey, Merlin, and probably other random things too. I also really love Star Trek, especially Voyager, DS9, and TNG. There are at least 2 queued Star Trek posts per day (out of 7) plus whatever I reblog manually. I don’t have a lot of OTPs, but for the few I do have, I am _not_ a multishipper - and to be honest, I generally don’t follow people who are. No offense, I just hate having to blacklist tons of stuff all the time. I’ll tag anything people ask me to, though. I am a vindictive ex-Glee fan. The downward spiral of that show ruined my ability to enjoy things for a few years. One time I wrote an essay about season 2 Klaine and how it ruined the show for me. That fandom is why I don’t take anon asks. STARFLEET MEDICAL{ LIEUTENANT } RAVENCLAW{ wear }

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