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JaSunni Productions, LLC

We make films (THE ACKERMONSTER CHRONICLES!, CHARLES BEAUMONT: THE LIFE OF TWILIGHT ZONE’S MAGIC MAN, and others), create music (ChiaroscurO), publish/edit things (THE BLEEDING EDGE, THE DEVIL’S COATTAILS, A DARKE PHANTASTIQUE, and NAMELESS digest, among others), write stuff (fiction, poetry, nonfiction; MILTON’S CHILDREN, SIMULACRUM AND OTHER POSSIBLE REALITIES, and so on), travel all over for appearances, and kick ass in general. Things we love: animals (especially reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish, birds), being together, art, music, travel, being vegan/veg, health, liberal ideals, intellectual pursuits, computers, the Northwest, Prague, Firenze, Paris, Vienna, our friends, food, the erotic, and the unusual… +CONTACT: JaSunni@jasunni.com
