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Sundaes on a Saturday!

Fanya | Indonesia A Classic Hollywood lover, a British Royal Family enthusiast and a 60’s tv shows mistress. Grace Kelly and Meryl Streep rule my heart. Occasionally karaoking to Doris Day’s songs, forever crying over Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore, bewitched by Elizabeth Montgomery, and charmed by Ginger Rogers  person(s) eating cheesecake with The Golden Girls

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Fanya | Indonesia A Classic Hollywood lover, a British Royal Family enthusiast and a 60’s tv shows mistress. Grace Kelly and Meryl Streep rule my heart. Occasionally karaoking to Doris Day’s songs, forever crying over Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore, bewitched by Elizabeth Montgomery, and charmed by Ginger Rogers  person(s) eating cheesecake with The Golden Girls



Fanya | Indonesia A Classic Hollywood lover, a British Royal Family enthusiast and a 60’s tv shows mistress. Grace Kelly and Meryl Streep rule my heart. Occasionally karaoking to Doris Day’s songs, forever crying over Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore, bewitched by Elizabeth Montgomery, and charmed by Ginger Rogers  person(s) eating cheesecake with The Golden Girls
