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キャバドレス・パーティードレス・小悪魔ageha掲載ドレス・カラコン通販 sugar[シュガー] jQuery(document).ready(function($){ /* This code is executed after the DOM has been completely loaded */ var totWidth=1; var positions = new Array(); $('#slides .slide').each(function(i){ /* Traverse through all the slides and store their accumulative widths in totWidth */ positions[i]= totWidth; totWidth += $(this).width(); /* The positions array contains each slide's commulutative offset from the left part of the container */ if(!$(this).width()) { alert("Please, fill in width & height for all your images!"); return false; } }); $('#slides').width(totWidth); /* Change the cotnainer div's width to the exact width of all the slides combined */ $('#menu201004 ul li a').click(function(e,keepScroll){ /* On a thumbnail click */ $('li.menuItem').removeClass('act').addClass('inact'); $(this).parent().addClass('act'); var pos = $(this).parent().prevAll('.menuItem').length; $('#slides').stop().animate({marginLeft:-positions[pos]+'px'},860); /* Start the sliding animation */ //e.preventDefault(); /* Prevent the default action of the link */ // Stopping the auto-advance if an icon has been clicked: if(!keepScroll) clearInterval(itvl); }); $('#menu201004 ul li.menuItem:first').addClass('act').siblings().addClass('inact'); /* On page load, mark the first thumbnail as active */ /***** * * Enabling auto-advance. * ****/ var current=1; function autoAdvance() { if(current==-1) return false; $('#menu201004 ul li a').eq(current%$('#menu201004 ul li a').length).trigger('click',[true]); // [true] will be passed as the keepScroll parameter of the click function on line 28 current++; } // The number of seconds that the slider will auto-advance in: // 4秒で次のサムネへ var changeEvery = 4; var itvl = setInterval(function(){autoAdvance()},changeEvery*1000); /* End of customizations */ $('#menu201004 ul li a').hover( function(){ /* On a thumbnail click */ $('li.menuItem').removeClass('act').addClass('inact'); $(this).parent().addClass('act'); var pos = $(this).parent().prevAll('.menuItem').length; $('#slides').stop().animate({marginLeft:-positions[pos]+'px'},860); /* Start the sliding animation */ //e.preventDefault(); /* Prevent the default action of the link */ // Stopping the auto-advance if an icon has been clicked: if(!keepScroll) clearInterval(itvl); } , function(){ clearInterval(itvl); itvl = setInterval(function(){autoAdvance()},changeEvery*1000); } ); }); $(function () { $.scrollUp(); });
