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Woo-ee-oo, I look just like Buddy Holly.

SUBMIT! | ASK!Fuck Yeah Nerdfashion: Geeks and nerds have always been stereotyped for wearing ill fitting clothes, looking disheveled, and wearing glasses. A concept of being generally unaware about their hygiene and outward appearance that stems from the assumption that we don’t care about it since we never leave the house (even if we rarely do anyway). I am still proud though, and people are noticing. Being a nerd has become pretty cool. In the last few decades, especially in Hollywood, there has been this very distinct hotness factor developing around nerd culture! It’s even fetishized in some instances. I believe that anyone can harness this awesome sex appeal, you just have to know how to work your nerdstatus in the right ways! Nerdfashion is about taking all the awesome qualities we already have (like playfulness, sarcasm, cultural relevance, over-excitement, intelligence) and showing them off! It’s not about dramatically changing your appearance for everyone else or to fit a certain standard, it’s about gaining confidence through finding things to wear that make you feel like you. Nerdfashion is just an outward expression of your inner awesomeness. For example: If you have an incredible graphic tee collection… old shirts can go from “meh.” to “hot damn!” or “what? awesome!” just by learning to accessorize a little bit instead of wearing them with the same pair of old jeans every day. Or if you’ve been wearing the same style of glasses since third grade try upgrading… Pick out something you love (like a sexy cat-eye librarian pair) even if you’re not sure you can pull it off! Or try that classy Rivers Cuomo/Clark Kent style, hell even Matt Damon looks hotter in a sweet pair of Buddy Holly Glasses! Basically this blog is a combination of fashion and swagger tips for reaching your hot nerd potential, the occasional cosplay here and there, and an appreciative display of some geeks who are definitely getting it right in our book! You are a nerd rockstar, Work it! :)

Feed: Related:


SUBMIT! | ASK!Fuck Yeah Nerdfashion: Geeks and nerds have always been stereotyped for wearing ill fitting clothes, looking disheveled, and wearing glasses. A concept of being generally unaware about their hygiene and outward appearance that stems from the assumption that we don’t care about it since we never leave the house (even if we rarely do anyway). I am still proud though, and people are noticing. Being a nerd has become pretty cool. In the last few decades, especially in Hollywood, there has been this very distinct hotness factor developing around nerd culture! It’s even fetishized in some instances. I believe that anyone can harness this awesome sex appeal, you just have to know how to work your nerdstatus in the right ways! Nerdfashion is about taking all the awesome qualities we already have (like playfulness, sarcasm, cultural relevance, over-excitement, intelligence) and showing them off! It’s not about dramatically changing your appearance for everyone else or to fit a certain standard, it’s about gaining confidence through finding things to wear that make you feel like you. Nerdfashion is just an outward expression of your inner awesomeness. For example: If you have an incredible graphic tee collection… old shirts can go from “meh.” to “hot damn!” or “what? awesome!” just by learning to accessorize a little bit instead of wearing them with the same pair of old jeans every day. Or if you’ve been wearing the same style of glasses since third grade try upgrading… Pick out something you love (like a sexy cat-eye librarian pair) even if you’re not sure you can pull it off! Or try that classy Rivers Cuomo/Clark Kent style, hell even Matt Damon looks hotter in a sweet pair of Buddy Holly Glasses! Basically this blog is a combination of fashion and swagger tips for reaching your hot nerd potential, the occasional cosplay here and there, and an appreciative display of some geeks who are definitely getting it right in our book! You are a nerd rockstar, Work it! :)
