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Formerly sunflower-b-pondicus. Once upon a time I thought that the url change would be temporary. It’s not. Megan. 21. Fashion Design Major. Costume Design Assistant at a local theatre. Tennessee. Christian. Sane. ADD. Bunny mommy. Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, Kingdom Hearts, Disney, Sherlock, Game of Thrones. Being Human UK. Also likely, particularly while they’re airing: Legend of Korra, American Horror Story, ATLA, The Hunger Games, Buffy,….and whatever else crosses my dash that makes me happy. Sometimes I make stuff. Like gifs and graphics. I don’t claim to be any good at it. I have an armada of ships including a crack navy, but my OTPs of all OTPs are Doctor/River and Sora/Kairi. I’m nice. Say hello. :D ON SPOILERS: I do not claim to be a spoiler-free blog, although I will tag any and all spoilers so you can blacklist them. I tag with the abbreviation of the show name and ‘spoilers’. Ex: Doctor Who is dw spoilers.
