It was recently announced that NBC has canceled the David Duchovny drama Aquarius after two seasons. Aquarius, set in Los Angeles in the 1960s, centered around detective Sam Hodiak (Duchovny), wh...
Debra Tate, sister of celebrated actress and Manson Family murder victim Sharon Tate, has insisted on a boycott of NBC’s Manson series Aquarius Variety reports. Aquarius, which follows David D...
Broadcast networks continue to search for ways to draw viewers to watch the first-run airing of their shows. Over at NBC that means trying to entice viewers with the promise of two hours of ad-fr...
Borrowing a page from Netflix, NBC announced that they are going to release all 13 episodes of their new show Aquarius following the series network premiere. Aquarius, starring David Duchovny...
David Duchovny is set to star in the upcoming TV drama, Aquarius. The former X-Files actor will play a 1960’s LAPD sergeant, on the hunt for cult leader Charles Manson, who is recruiting youn...