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Ask Hyena the Huntress!

Hyena is a partially sentient (and not to mention snarky) one-eyed Huntress dressed in an orange leopard-spotted hoodie, with a strange taste for fish and games of cat-and-mouse with her hapless prey. While she may not always be the sharpest knife in the drawer, she’s still more than happy to answer your questions about… well, whatever it is you wanna know about a female Hunter in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. She’s often found in the company of her much-beloved mate/boyfriend, Cobalt, who’s also available for pestering… (Approach with caution if you happen to be a Hunter yourself - Hyena is initially wary of unfamiliar Hunters and doesn’t take kindly to random pounces!) ((L4D fan character owned and operated by Kaitlyn/necromorph-slayinglovemachine! ***DISCLAIMER***: This blog CAN and WILL feature blood, gore, violence, and other potentially NSFW themes. You have been warned.))

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