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erin's dumb spn obsession

eglads | erin’s dumb spn obsession the dumping ground for all my Supernatural squeals, feels, screams, and other shenanigans, not spoiler free and occasionally nsfw, generally only on weekend mornings, you’ve been warned I also keep a pretty extensive fic rec list in my bookmarks on ao3 and at this point it’s too long to NOT share it - spoiler alert, it’s 100% Supernatural and 90% DeanCas, surprising no one sometimes I take a break from fangirling and draw - check out that on my other blog eglads popular tags for easier navigation [actual disney princess dean winchester] [destiel][jerks in suits] [never question the quality of this blog] [fanart] [cosplay] [well fuck] [fuckin winchesters][butts] [bunker family] [parks and rec crossover]

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