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Randy Lee Crawford

Published Novelist and poet, social activist, atheist, borderline personality disorder, insomnia, depression, and anxiety sufferer, Democratic socialist/independent, nationally ranked Speech and Debate competitor, anti-drug prohibition, pro repealing of the Controlled Substances Act , pro-choice, anti-war, anti-capitalism, and many many other things. If any of these are something you disagree with, this isn’t the blog for you. Residing in Saint Louis, Missouri, But Albuquerque, New Mexico native. Biracial, in case that matters to you. I am an open book, so feel free to ask me anything or send me a message if you need to vent, express your opinion whether it’s in support or opposition of mine, if you need advice on social issues, mental health, writing, publishing, public speaking, even retail. Anything you feel like talking about, feel free. I respond to everyone.
