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Curve Love!

Fashion is NOT one size fits all and women from all over have realized that! This blog is here to celebrate these women, showcase their great fashion sense and be exactly what the world needs more of, fierce plus size women stepping out in whatever makes them feel beautiful. This blog will be 75% submission based, so start submitting those great pictures of your beautiful selves ladies and feel free to tell us about yourself! Every so often we will highlight a great fatshion or plus size blogger or someone we feel embodies what Fuck Yeah Fatshion is all about! We will also reblog any great fatshion we find around the tumblr world! Just remember we must be the change we want to see in the world. The following text will not be seen after you upload your website, please keep it in order to retain your counter functionality TrackersCounter Help

Feed: Related:


Fashion is NOT one size fits all and women from all over have realized that! This blog is here to celebrate these women, showcase their great fashion sense and be exactly what the world needs more of, fierce plus size women stepping out in whatever makes them feel beautiful. This blog will be 75% submission based, so start submitting those great pictures of your beautiful selves ladies and feel free to tell us about yourself! Every so often we will highlight a great fatshion or plus size blogger or someone we feel embodies what Fuck Yeah Fatshion is all about! We will also reblog any great fatshion we find around the tumblr world! Just remember we must be the change we want to see in the world. The following text will not be seen after you upload your website, please keep it in order to retain your counter functionality TrackersCounter Help
