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Tincture is a 23 year-old electronic music producer and member of the Silo Arts Collective. Having only been producing for just over a year, Tincture has turned out a series of smooth garage-inflected remixes and bootlegs that have seen him garner significant exposure in the blogosphere; with his stand out track ‘You’ll Learn’ receiving praise from tastemakers MTHRFNKR and The Needle Drop and featuring in a mix by XXYYXX. 2013 sees Tincture ready his first official release, taking his production in a slightly new direction with the incorporation of live vocals and wider instrumentation. Dreamy, reverb-laden vocals hang above a sea of noisy synths and shuffling percussion; a knowing nod in the direction of both ‘90s era shoegaze and the new wave of genre-blurring bedroom producers emerging from around the globe. +BIOBIOBIO +Soundcloud +last.fm +blawg
