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Endelda's Blog: I Joined Tumblr Just To Follow You

I’m a fan of many things, but only really passionate about a few. I enjoy Classic and RTD-era Doctor Who (this is not a Moffat-era friendly space), Arrow, The Flash, Firefly, Friends, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Legend, Discworld, A Song of Ice and Fire (but not Game of Thrones), Outlander (just the novels so far, haven’t watched the show), etc. You get the idea, I’m a bit of a nerd. I ship Olicity and Doctor/Rose, Sam/Jack from SG-1, numerous other pairings, and my very first ship back in the days of my youth was Lessa/F'lar from Anne McCaffrey’s awesome Dragonriders of Pern series.

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