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⚲ 21NiekardThe Black Dragon Interests: The sciences, philosophy as well. Art - digital, traditional, film, poetry etc. Plants and animals. Eloquently spoken words, fantasising constantly, ugly generally disliked or forgotten creatures. Anything beautiful and especially unreal. Me: I live in Australia, I own 2 meows. I am a gender neutral romantic asexual. Currently purifying my soul of BPD, depression & anxiety. (You can talk to me.) Philosophy: We are all the same generic soul, craving love, affection and happiness. Although with different personalities, moulded by different childhoods, cultures and experiences; look kindly onto others, for you are looking onto yourself. We were not given intelligence for the sake of convenience, comfort, or intellect itself. I live with the personal philosophy that we were made strong to protect the weak. Be kind to animals, be kind to plants. Be kind to all living things.
