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I draw good!

I’m Michelle Oglesby-Cunningham but I go by Meesh (and sometimes Maryn or Rahsyk), and this is my art blog. You can contact me at meesh.arts@gmail.com I’m genderfluid! She/her or they/them pronouns are good! I am currently a freelance artist living in Austin, TX. I like to draw stuff, and I do it pretty good. My current project is Wanderlust Tales, which you can find over here. I like dragons. A lot. I try to keep this blog for art only and minimize reblogging junk. Here’s more of my blogs: -Reftastic - Art ref/advice blog -Smiling-Dragons - Pet blog about my Crested Geckos -Thinktastic - Feminism, social justice, and general opinion blog -Clan Maryn - Flight Rising blog

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