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The Rabbit Hole

Mystery never reveals itself all at once. Lets start with a name Jason. Laughing has got to be one of the best things ever. If you don’t laugh or you think it’s cool to have a frown on your face all the time, then don’t waste your time talking to me. I’ll admit right now i’m not the most mature person out there, but if everyone was serious all the time, the world would be so boring! Besides, if I’m not comfortable talking about issues with people in real life, what makes it easier to talk on the web about it? I’m not saying I act stupid or anything. Other then that, I am pretty laid back. I laugh at mostly everything. I am like the weather. Always changing and never known. Dreams are the answers to the questions that we have not figured out how to ask. We take pictures because we are scared we will forget the memories frozen by the pictures. I want to travel the world and see the different cultures. I jump from the tops of buildings for the thrill of the fall. Sometime it is not important which way you jump just that you jump. live life to fullest and enjoy every moment you spend with some one because you are never going to know when some one leave.

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