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A very brief look into the odd ramblings of a 21 year old Intermediate Ambulance Care medic and part time bike commuter. Riding at Penang Island a.k.a the Pearl of the Orient. This blog will hopefully be my release, a chance for me to get some things off my chest, to talk about the challenges, the success and overall, my goal of becoming a paramedic. http://instagram.com/dylanpongyoushen



A very brief look into the odd ramblings of a 21 year old Intermediate Ambulance Care medic and part time bike commuter. Riding at Penang Island a.k.a the Pearl of the Orient. This blog will hopefully be my release, a chance for me to get some things off my chest, to talk about the challenges, the success and overall, my goal of becoming a paramedic. http://instagram.com/dylanpongyoushen



A very brief look into the odd ramblings of a 21 year old Intermediate Ambulance Care medic and part time bike commuter. Riding at Penang Island a.k.a the Pearl of the Orient. This blog will hopefully be my release, a chance for me to get some things off my chest, to talk about the challenges, the success and overall, my goal of becoming a paramedic. http://instagram.com/dylanpongyoushen



A very brief look into the odd ramblings of a 21 year old Intermediate Ambulance Care medic and part time bike commuter. Riding at Penang Island a.k.a the Pearl of the Orient. This blog will hopefully be my release, a chance for me to get some things off my chest, to talk about the challenges, the success and overall, my goal of becoming a paramedic. http://instagram.com/dylanpongyoushen



A very brief look into the odd ramblings of a 21 year old Intermediate Ambulance Care medic and part time bike commuter. Riding at Penang Island a.k.a the Pearl of the Orient. This blog will hopefully be my release, a chance for me to get some things off my chest, to talk about the challenges, the success and overall, my goal of becoming a paramedic. http://instagram.com/dylanpongyoushen



A very brief look into the odd ramblings of a 21 year old Intermediate Ambulance Care medic and part time bike commuter. Riding at Penang Island a.k.a the Pearl of the Orient. This blog will hopefully be my release, a chance for me to get some things off my chest, to talk about the challenges, the success and overall, my goal of becoming a paramedic. http://instagram.com/dylanpongyoushen



A very brief look into the odd ramblings of a 21 year old Intermediate Ambulance Care medic and part time bike commuter. Riding at Penang Island a.k.a the Pearl of the Orient. This blog will hopefully be my release, a chance for me to get some things off my chest, to talk about the challenges, the success and overall, my goal of becoming a paramedic. http://instagram.com/dylanpongyoushen
