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The Bom-Diddi-Bom Di-Dang Di-Dang Diggi-Diggi...

The name is Erin, I’m a TAKEN, 26-year-old hopelessly romantic genderqueer individual from Ontario, Canada. I love androgyny, cats, Robyn, Tegan & Sara, adventures, Toronto, coffee, vests, women in ties, sneakers, retro video games, various things from the 80’s and 90’s, steampunk stuffs, skeleton keys, vintage knick knacks and a lot of other things. This is me and I still run this thing like a dancehall queen ❤. People who love me right now:var _uox = _uox || {};(function() {var s=document.createElement("script"); s.src="http://static.usuarios-online.com/uo.js";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s);})();Online Users Bored? Click RANDOM POST for some amusement OR Click HERE to see the things i Also, THIS IS ME, just in case you were curious. And THIS is us
