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Digital Purgatory

hi, i’m ‘ryan’ - female, residing in Florida. probably for eternity. by Tumblr standards, i’m an old fuck [i have the white skunk stripe in my hair to prove it] meaning i am 35. unless you can recall a childhood of black and white tv, reel-to-reels, betamax/VCR, saturday morning cartoons, and actual music videos on MTV, you 20-somethings are NOT old. stop playing. i’ll let you know how middle age pans out. anyways, if you’re STILL here [why???] this blog is non-fandom specific and will just be whatever i happen to like.which includes and is not limited to:~ the abomination known as florida ~ video games ~ anime ~ cats ~ rats ~ owls ~ the platypus ~ cute shit ~ dead shit ~ NSFW shit ~ retro junk *TL;DR: pretty much anything and everything that strikes me fancy. **foodporn goes HERE ***actual porn goes on a different blog, somewhere else entirely. >B) stay as long as you like. and hey. why not send me a message from time to time.

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hi, i’m ‘ryan’ - female, residing in Florida. probably for eternity. by Tumblr standards, i’m an old fuck [i have the white skunk stripe in my hair to prove it] meaning i am 35. unless you can recall a childhood of black and white tv, reel-to-reels, betamax/VCR, saturday morning cartoons, and actual music videos on MTV, you 20-somethings are NOT old. stop playing. i’ll let you know how middle age pans out. anyways, if you’re STILL here [why???] this blog is non-fandom specific and will just be whatever i happen to like.which includes and is not limited to:~ the abomination known as florida ~ video games ~ anime ~ cats ~ rats ~ owls ~ the platypus ~ cute shit ~ dead shit ~ NSFW shit ~ retro junk *TL;DR: pretty much anything and everything that strikes me fancy. **foodporn goes HERE ***actual porn goes on a different blog, somewhere else entirely. >B) stay as long as you like. and hey. why not send me a message from time to time.
