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Word Collector

lexophile(s)Users Online Counter [wurd kuh-LEK-ter] noun. - a blog dedicated to collecting words and quotes of all sizes, shapes, and origins. I have always had a fondness for words and quotes. I have amassed quite the a collection, and I am eager for it to continue growing. I keep quotes everywhere. Jotted in notebooks, typed into my phone, written on my bedroom walls, in word documents on my computer, scribbled away on pieces of paper… This blog is nothing more than my attempt to keep the quotes and words and other musings that I love so much all in one tidy, pretty, little place. Feel free to share any words or quotes or poems you love by sending me a message (submit box not ask box). Please be sure to share the source of the quote if you know it, so that I don’t have to go looking for the proper person to credit. Enjoy!



lexophile(s)Users Online Counter [wurd kuh-LEK-ter] noun. - a blog dedicated to collecting words and quotes of all sizes, shapes, and origins. I have always had a fondness for words and quotes. I have amassed quite the a collection, and I am eager for it to continue growing. I keep quotes everywhere. Jotted in notebooks, typed into my phone, written on my bedroom walls, in word documents on my computer, scribbled away on pieces of paper… This blog is nothing more than my attempt to keep the quotes and words and other musings that I love so much all in one tidy, pretty, little place. Feel free to share any words or quotes or poems you love by sending me a message (submit box not ask box). Please be sure to share the source of the quote if you know it, so that I don’t have to go looking for the proper person to credit. Enjoy!



lexophile(s)Users Online Counter [wurd kuh-LEK-ter] noun. - a blog dedicated to collecting words and quotes of all sizes, shapes, and origins. I have always had a fondness for words and quotes. I have amassed quite the a collection, and I am eager for it to continue growing. I keep quotes everywhere. Jotted in notebooks, typed into my phone, written on my bedroom walls, in word documents on my computer, scribbled away on pieces of paper… This blog is nothing more than my attempt to keep the quotes and words and other musings that I love so much all in one tidy, pretty, little place. Feel free to share any words or quotes or poems you love by sending me a message (submit box not ask box). Please be sure to share the source of the quote if you know it, so that I don’t have to go looking for the proper person to credit. Enjoy!
