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The love of Rogue

I love Oliver/Felicity way too much. They have infiltrated my life in a way I have no idea when this happened but it did. They are my first “shipping” couple and I really had no idea of what that term meant honestly until this fandom sucked me in. I love the core three: Diggle/Oliver/Felicity I am a 40 year old business woman with primary residence in Massachusetts. I adore comics since the 80’s. Big Batman and Rogue fan. Arrow brought me GA which is scary in a bit because I never cared for Green ARROW he was like creepy uncle with bad jokes that one would try to hide from. Not that I didn’t buy GA comics but only when they were in clearance or not full price. :)

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I love Oliver/Felicity way too much. They have infiltrated my life in a way I have no idea when this happened but it did. They are my first “shipping” couple and I really had no idea of what that term meant honestly until this fandom sucked me in. I love the core three: Diggle/Oliver/Felicity I am a 40 year old business woman with primary residence in Massachusetts. I adore comics since the 80’s. Big Batman and Rogue fan. Arrow brought me GA which is scary in a bit because I never cared for Green ARROW he was like creepy uncle with bad jokes that one would try to hide from. Not that I didn’t buy GA comics but only when they were in clearance or not full price. :)
