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a realm under hill

✧ Ask box is almost always off (sorry, dudes). Don’t send me fanmail! I will never see it. If you want to get in touch with me, @mention me in a post or post something tagged #silveth. Also, please note I rarely follow back people who just randomly follow me (not never, but not often). ✧ ✧ I am known in some places as Arethinn (previously Eshari) and in others as shyfoxling. I’m 37, cis female, Californian, Pagan, faery/sidhe, nerd, library technician (cataloger), Virgo liek woah. What are little big fae made of? Starlight and glitter… silver lamps of fae-light under hill… the crescent moon and the evening star in the west… sunlit redwood trees and streams… but be warned, I am also introverted, sarcastic, and not very good at looking like a beautiful, kind, interesting person ‘cause, yanno, I am really not one. ✧ ✧ I post a pretty weird mix of stuff, so I suggest looking back several pages before making the decision to follow me, especially if you came here because I reblogged one of your posts or you saw a post from me in some tag. Contents include, but are not limited to: otherkin, mythic/fantasy, faery, magic, Paganism, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Tolkien, other nerdy fandom stuff, nature, trees, the stars, and general silliness. Expect a lot of David Tennant because he is all the awesome. My more embarrassing flailings about him are tagged danger: fangirling should you wish to blacklist that tag. ✧ ✧ Rah rah Ravenclaw! ✧

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