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Large Visitor Globe Hello there fellow Whovians, I started this blog to stop inundating my non Whovian followers with all the Doctor Who stuff I was posting. This blog is dedicated to all of Doctor Who, not just the new series or any particular Doctor. I hope to eventually get to know many of my more active followers and that we can eventually make a thriving community on this blog. Please ask me any questions about myself or my opinions about Doctor Who, and feel free to submit your own fanart or Doctor Who pictures/gifs/anything you have found on your journey’s through time and space, and the internet. -Matt- Now here’s a list of my commonly used tags to help you navigate my archives. Browse by tag: Classic Doctor Who Doctors William Hartnell Patrick Troughton Jon Pertwee Tom Baker Peter Davison Colin Baker Sylvester Mccoy Paul Mcgann Christopher Eccleston David Tennant Matt Smith Companions Rose Tyler Martha Jones Donna Noble Amy Pond Rory Williams Rory Pond Rory the Roman River Song Captain Jack Harkness The TARDIS Recurring Aliens / Villains The Master Daleks Cybermen Ood Weeping Angels Sontarans The Silence Important Actors Billie Piper Freema Agyeman Catherine Tate Karen Gillan Arthur Darvill Alex Kingston John Barrowman John Simm Fanart



Large Visitor Globe Hello there fellow Whovians, I started this blog to stop inundating my non Whovian followers with all the Doctor Who stuff I was posting. This blog is dedicated to all of Doctor Who, not just the new series or any particular Doctor. I hope to eventually get to know many of my more active followers and that we can eventually make a thriving community on this blog. Please ask me any questions about myself or my opinions about Doctor Who, and feel free to submit your own fanart or Doctor Who pictures/gifs/anything you have found on your journey’s through time and space, and the internet. -Matt- Now here’s a list of my commonly used tags to help you navigate my archives. Browse by tag: Classic Doctor Who Doctors William Hartnell Patrick Troughton Jon Pertwee Tom Baker Peter Davison Colin Baker Sylvester Mccoy Paul Mcgann Christopher Eccleston David Tennant Matt Smith Companions Rose Tyler Martha Jones Donna Noble Amy Pond Rory Williams Rory Pond Rory the Roman River Song Captain Jack Harkness The TARDIS Recurring Aliens / Villains The Master Daleks Cybermen Ood Weeping Angels Sontarans The Silence Important Actors Billie Piper Freema Agyeman Catherine Tate Karen Gillan Arthur Darvill Alex Kingston John Barrowman John Simm Fanart



Large Visitor Globe Hello there fellow Whovians, I started this blog to stop inundating my non Whovian followers with all the Doctor Who stuff I was posting. This blog is dedicated to all of Doctor Who, not just the new series or any particular Doctor. I hope to eventually get to know many of my more active followers and that we can eventually make a thriving community on this blog. Please ask me any questions about myself or my opinions about Doctor Who, and feel free to submit your own fanart or Doctor Who pictures/gifs/anything you have found on your journey’s through time and space, and the internet. -Matt- Now here’s a list of my commonly used tags to help you navigate my archives. Browse by tag: Classic Doctor Who Doctors William Hartnell Patrick Troughton Jon Pertwee Tom Baker Peter Davison Colin Baker Sylvester Mccoy Paul Mcgann Christopher Eccleston David Tennant Matt Smith Companions Rose Tyler Martha Jones Donna Noble Amy Pond Rory Williams Rory Pond Rory the Roman River Song Captain Jack Harkness The TARDIS Recurring Aliens / Villains The Master Daleks Cybermen Ood Weeping Angels Sontarans The Silence Important Actors Billie Piper Freema Agyeman Catherine Tate Karen Gillan Arthur Darvill Alex Kingston John Barrowman John Simm Fanart
