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10 O'Clock Dot

Micro-theory, interpretive excursions, and quasi-academic musings on film, art, and culture. Credit and/or links given where possible. All other content copyright Max Tohline 2011-present. Highlights of this tumblr: “Notable” artworks linked by a common theme on the 2’s, “Catching Up” on classic films on the 7’s, Arbitrary Film Festivals on the 4’s, great long takes on the 9’s, excursions in music, media, and science when inspiration strikes, 10 talks or podcasts in 6 Words every 15th, 10 new ideas on the 10th of every month, some sort of new artwork or study from me every 6th of the month, Old Images for a New Month every time there’s a new month, and peace on the 3’s and 8’s. OR, just look at top posts from 2013 and 2014.
