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la lune et l'antarctique

•farouchette• farouche: • Qui évite les contacts sociaux et dont l'abord est difficile (Who avoids social contact and therefore is difficult to approach) -ette: • Suffixe utilisé pour former l’équivalent féminin de quelque chose (Suffix used to form the female equivalent of something) kate-anaïs. 26. intj ◇ ravenclaw ◇ MXX|W|X ◇ enneagram 5w6 sp/sx/so ◇ tritype 538 ◇ tritype breakdown: 5w6 3w1 8w9 ◇ ILI (INTp) ◇ rcoei. to whom it may concern: quit taking credits off of my shit and presenting it as your own. thanks.
