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FYM – #001

Feed your mind – #001 How Companies Turn Your Data Into Money by Max Eddy Companies collect our personal data online and use it to target us with ads, among other purposes (or how companies tur...


Private happy place

Invitation to join Wuu private messaging app. Posts disappear forever after 24h. Splendidly minimalist + easy to use photo + text filters. _______ ndlr: Android later this Spring. _______ _Sample...


Project Seen

Read The NSA Of Fonts Censors You In Real-Time by John Brownlee _______ Project Seen is a new typeface that automatically crosses out words on the NSA’s watch list, it’s spooky. The point of...


Glitchi + privacy

Glitchi was created to take back our privacy by sending encrypted messages on iPhone. _______ Created to defeat that every time we download an app, we have to accept their privacy terms, and agr...
