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A Study in Fandom.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be Batman, sometimes a Power Ranger (Yellow, not Pink because Pink was girly) but mostly I wanted to be Batman because he had the coolest gadgets. I am now twenty something years old, I’m a university student studying Computer Sciences juggling multiple jobs and my fondness for writing. In the spare time I have, I like to oogle at older, fictional, and non fictional men who aren’t yet aware of my existence (that shall be corrected soon) I read comic books and play video games, sometimes draw and I’m a fangirl. Most of my posts won’t make a lick of sense, but it’s okay because they’ll be filled with pretty men.

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When I was a kid, I wanted to be Batman, sometimes a Power Ranger (Yellow, not Pink because Pink was girly) but mostly I wanted to be Batman because he had the coolest gadgets. I am now twenty something years old, I’m a university student studying Computer Sciences juggling multiple jobs and my fondness for writing. In the spare time I have, I like to oogle at older, fictional, and non fictional men who aren’t yet aware of my existence (that shall be corrected soon) I read comic books and play video games, sometimes draw and I’m a fangirl. Most of my posts won’t make a lick of sense, but it’s okay because they’ll be filled with pretty men.



When I was a kid, I wanted to be Batman, sometimes a Power Ranger (Yellow, not Pink because Pink was girly) but mostly I wanted to be Batman because he had the coolest gadgets. I am now twenty something years old, I’m a university student studying Computer Sciences juggling multiple jobs and my fondness for writing. In the spare time I have, I like to oogle at older, fictional, and non fictional men who aren’t yet aware of my existence (that shall be corrected soon) I read comic books and play video games, sometimes draw and I’m a fangirl. Most of my posts won’t make a lick of sense, but it’s okay because they’ll be filled with pretty men.
